10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

If you’re wondering how to burn belly fat and have even considered taking diet pills or fat burners, you should try to do it the all natural way before taking extreme measures. It’s not really natural for us to carry all that weight on our midsections, so getting back to a more natural state is one sure way to watch the fat go away, almost as a byproduct of our actions. It doesn’t have to be an all out war to kill your stomach fat. Just make these 10 all-natural adjustments and it should effortlessly come off.

1. Drink More Water
This is perhaps the most easiest and effortless way to lose belly fat, and it’s a problem for countless Americans. There is a dehydration epidemic going on, and if we all just drank more water, and got closer to the amount that we actually need each day, there would be less obesity, fewer digestive problems, and more people that are awake and alert throughout the day. But here’s the kicker: because it’s only involves drinking water it’s pretty easy, and easy things are easy to forget to do. If you’re conditioned to not drink enough water it can be pretty tough to make a change. But stick with it and soon you’ll reach new levels of hydration and reduced levels of belly fat.

2. Aim for Total Body Fat
Trying to spot treat your stomach fat is one sure way to drive yourself up the wall. It may be the one area that you really care about the most, but you have to trust that if you aim for overall body fat loss, the stomach fat will have to go at some point too. Fixating on a trouble spot is one way to keep it around for the long term, because what we put our focus on grows. A problem is only as hard as we make it out to be, so if you’re constantly thinking that your belly fat is the hardest thing to get rid of, you’ll prove yourself right time and time again.

Get a scale that measures your body fat percentage and aim to get that down to a level that is right for your gender. Keep this in mind: if you want to see your abs guys will have to get to around 10% body fat, while women need to get below 19% or so.

3. Get Sound Sleep
This is perhaps the easiest and hardest thing to do for most of us. Doing things in your sleep can’t get much easier, but finding the time in our busy lives to get more sleep can be a challenge. The real struggle is that your deepest and most cleansing sleep comes from getting to bed earlier in the evening. For most that is just not an option, and others are so entrenched in their late nights that they can’t fathom going to bed at 10pm or earlier. But science has repeatedly shown the link between getting deep sleep on a consistent basis and having less belly fat. You’ll be stressed out less, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to greet the day, with more energy throughout the day. The body also repairs itself at night, so you’re helping yourself in many different ways just by snoozing.

4. Do High Intensity Interval TrainingHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is where you go hard out for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute, followed by periods of rest where you go very low intensity. The beauty of this aerobic workout is that you spend a fraction of the time but the theory is that you’re getting results from this workout that last long into the next day. They say that if you spend 40 minutes on a stationary bike just doing a low intensity aerobic workout, you’re only burning fat during that 40 minutes. But with an HIIT workout lasting only 10-20 minutes you end up burning fat the entire day, and long after you’ve finished the workout.

The process is pretty particular, so you’ll need to study up on it. It involves getting your heart rate up to a certain level during the high intensity parts, and getting it back down during the low intensity parts, so you’ll need to get a heart rate monitor to effectively do this.

5. Mind Your Vitamins
It’s hard to make the connection between your belly fat and a vitamin deficiency, but there’s a high chance that if you’re struggling to lose fat you may be running short on several key vitamins needed for fat loss. The first of these is Vitamin D, often referred to as the Happy Vitamin. Feeling good is key to losing fat of all types, and if you don’t have sufficient amounts of Vitamin D you could be inhibiting your ability to feel good and feel like being active. The key is getting more exposure to sunlight so that your body can make its own supply. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re taking in enough natural sources of vitamins so that your body has all of the building blocks it needs to function at its best.

You should be eating foods high in Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin E if you want to give yourself the best shot at losing that stubborn fat. It’s best to get these vitamins from the foods you eat, rather than using a multivitamin, but if you find that you need to fill in the gaps go with a whole foods multivitamin, since it will be using food sources rather than using synthetic vitamins.

6. Get Healthy Fats Into Your System
Thanks to the no-fat and low-fat craze of the 90s and into the 2000s you’ll still find plenty of low and nonfat items at the grocery store. This instilled the wrong view on fats and labeled all fats as bad. But the body needs healthy fat in order to burn fat, so if you’ve taken to cutting out fat in your diet, it’s time to let some of it back in. Go for foods that contain high levels of the fats we’re after: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The fat you want to continue to keep out is the saturated fat. Good sources of healthy fats include avocados, olive oil, salmon, and peanut butter. These foods will actually help your fat loss efforts, so don’t be afraid of them.

7. Avoid the UnnaturalOur modern world presents us with many things that just aren’t natural for the human body to have to deal with. Large portion sizes, sedentary lifestyles, high levels of stress, massive amounts of entertainment to keep us glued to our couches, and tons of pollution in many major cities all contribute to the condition we find our bodies in. The more you can fight against these unnatural items, but better. Make sure you get some daily activity, because that’s natural for us. Feed your body plenty of fruits and vegetables, because that’s a very natural thing for a human to do. Limit the amount of TV you watch, and take time to just decompress and get in touch with your inner self. Cut out unnatural substances like fast food and junk food. They don’t do you any favors and are contributing to the unnatural shape you’ve taken on.

You don’t have to become a monk or anything, but if you just unplug from the grid for a bit each day you’ll see how unnatural our world has become, and you’ll see the link between your body and the lifestyle that the masses subscribe to.

8. Cut Back on Alcohol
Alcohol of all types is full of sugar, and sugar leads to fat. If you’ve managed to cut the sugar out of your life but still indulge in regular alcoholic beverages, you could be sabotaging yourself and not even know it. You may see a study now and then that says one alcoholic drink a day is good for the body because it helps you relax, or it thins the blood. But what those studies don’t talk about is the cumulative effect that has on the body, and whether or not you’d be better off in the stomach area by not having that drink each day.

9. Drink Herbal Teas
Herbal teas are about as natural as it gets, often using spices and herbs that have been proven to speed up the metabolism, cleanse the body’s internal organs, or reduce stress. You can also consider drinking green tea, as it contains EGCG, but not as much as green tea extract, which may be a better way to go and is still considered a natural way to lose fat. Really anything that helps to calm the body is going to help you lose fat, so you can choose an array of different teas to enjoy throughout the day, and if you replace sodas, juices, and other sugary beverages with herbals teas you’re sure to notice a difference in the near future.

10. Be Persistent
Your belly fat only wins when you give up on getting rid of it. Being persistent is a very natural trait. Nature is very persistent, time keeps on going no matter what, and over time if you neglect your belly fat the problem will only get worse. That’s why it’s good to be just as persistent as nature, and take steps each day to eat the right foods, get a bit of activity, be happy, and nourish yourself. As you do these little things each day, they will accumulate as more and more time passes. It’s natural for things to take time to work, which is why you want to avoid fast track promises and gimmicks to lose belly fat, because in all likelihood it will just backfire and you’ll be back at square one trying to start all over again.

Source: robolikesifit.tumblr.com

6 Workouts to Prevent Hunched Shoulders

6 Workouts to Prevent Hunched Shoulders

You have a great body but a bad posture and hunched shoulders can portrait a totally different picture of you. Your tummy may look fat and you will look shorter than your actual height. You must correct your body posture to avoid any possible health issues. These 6 workouts will not only help you to have better posture but also prevent hunched shoulders.

As with any workout, it is important to perform warm up stretches to avoid any injury. Similarly you should also do stretches to finish this better posture workout routine. You will need dumbbells and counter to perform these workouts. You should rest for about 15 seconds in between each workout.

The better posture workout is divided into three parts. First stretches to warm up. These 8 stretches will prepare your body to start the better posture workout.

Second part is the better posture workout that will help you stand tall and prevent possible hunched shoulders. There are 6 workouts in this routine each 45 seconds long. You take a break of 15 seconds in between each exercise.

Third and last part consists of stretches once again. There are 7 stretches to complete this workout.

Stretches to warm up

  • Shoulder rolls 20 seconds
  • Head Nods 20 seconds
  • Head Turns 20 seconds
  • Head Tilts 20 seconds
  • Head Rolls 20 seconds
  • Small Arm Circles 20 seconds
  • Big arm Circles 20 seconds
  • Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds

Toning Posture Workout

  • Tripod Rows 45 Seconds each side
  • Bird Dog 45 seconds
  • Tripod Fly 45 seconds each side
  • Modified Back Bow 45 seconds
  • Up and Over Press 45 Seconds
  • Bent Over Ventral Raise 45 Seconds

Stretches for Better Posture

  • Front Arm Swings 20 seconds
  • Toe Touch Reach 20 seconds
  • Wall Chest Stretch 20 seconds
  • Overhead Toe Touch 20 seconds
  • Downward Dog 20 seconds
  • Cobra Stretch 20 seconds
  • Child’s Pose 20 seconds 

Source: urbangirlfitness.com

How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week?

How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week?

Do you want to achieve that hourglass figure just like your favourite actress? Has a slim waist been your dream, and do you often feel it is something impossible to achieve? Well, this post gives you those superb tips that can help you get a smaller waist; and that too within a week!

Wondering how to get a smaller waist in a week? Read to know!

1. Alter Your Diet:
Scientific studies conclude that eating whole grains, along with fruits and other vegetables helps you reduce the amount of fat you consume. Consuming whole grains is healthier as they contain no preservatives. This is one of the best ways to get slimmer within a week. Remember that fruits sometimes contain high amounts of sugar and eating too many fruits can be counterproductive.

Doctors say you need to reduce 3,500 calories from your diet to lose one pound. The threshold for healthy weight loss is 2 pounds a week, so don’t starve yourself with fad diets. Eat healthier, not lesser.

2. Drink More Water:
Another important thing to do when trying to lose weight is drinking more water. This helps prevent your body from getting confused between thirst and hunger. To limit the tendency to binge on food, drink more water. It is good for the skin and hair as well.

3. Focus On Quality, And Not On Quantity:
Usually, people who diet tend to not eat anything, as opposed to eating healthy foods that don’t add excess fat or sugar to your body. The secret to dieting is eating more healthy meals, which do not add excess calories to your body.

4. Exercise:
Wondering how to make waist smaller in a week? Exercise is the perfect solution! Yes, the most obvious thing to do for getting slimmer is exercise. Thus, you getting a trimmer waist will depend on how hard you are willing to work. Results will only follow when you put in the effort and dedicate yourself to the causes. However, take care and ensure that you begin gradually. Don’t psyche yourself up for the first day and overexert yourself or get injured. Increase the exercise intensity gradually.
Make an exercise plan, where you begin at a basic level working through all stages and performing more intense and longer exercise routines. Maintain an exercise journal or leave an update on Twitter to remind yourself of what is to be done. Often, when you announce something in public, you are more obliged to do it.

With time, you will begin to enjoy regular exercise without feeling worn out or disinterested. Along with trimming your waist, this will also ensure that you live a healthier life.

You can also perform target-specific exercises, especially the ones that help shape the waist. These exercises are quite important; even though you cannot directly target weight loss on the waist, you certainly perform certain exercises that tone and slim your mid-section muscles.

Source: stylecraze.com

This Aromatic Drink Will Rid You Of That Drooping Belly!

This Aromatic Drink Will Rid You Of That Drooping Belly!

This is the recipe for an elixir that will give you extra energy, repair your skin and get you rid of that drooping belly!


½ to 1 Tablespoon –  Turmeric Powder

½ to 1 Tablespoon – Ginger Powder

½ Teaspoon – Cayenne Pepper (also great for heart health 🙂

5 Tablespoon – Lemon Juice (organic is best)

1 Tablespoon – Stevia

1 Liter of Water (preferably not tap water)


  • Heat water on a stove.
  • When it starts boiling, put it aside, and let it cool for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, take a pitcher, and put all the ingredients in it.
  • Pour the water over them and mix it well.
  • Drink this throughout the day.

After ten days you’ll see some AMAZING results. You can use this drink as long as you need to 🙂

Source: healthfreedoms.org

Learn how to eliminate toxins from your body and how to lose weight as quick as possible!

Learn how to eliminate toxins from your body and how to lose weight as quick as possible!

Everything that we do nowadays is toxic, from the aliments that we consume to the air that we breathe in and the cosmetic products that we use. Simply, our lives have been grasped of chemicals so that we, humans, would not be able to live a healthy life anymore. All of the exterior contaminations bring to our body significant damage, and we end up with an organism full of fats and toxins and low immunity.

All of these things practically happen just for controlling the population of the globe that is undergoing a continuous increase. So, from today this article will try to stop this discreet “genocide” by exposing to all of its readers a highly effective regimen, by which the body can be helped to eliminate toxins and fats accumulated over time, because of consuming aliments rich in chemicals and not only.

The following recipe is very simple, it is something that you can prepare in your home, it is accessible to everyone and it will definitely be followed by a lot of us, starting with the next morning. Here is what you will have to do:

Immediately after you have woken up and washed your teeth, you need to drink two glasses of slightly warm water (meaning 200 ml) on your empty stomach. After 30 minutes, you can serve breakfast (you can consume your favorite breakfast, anything you like but make sure to eat a small portion).

Before eating lunch, you need to consume something that is very easy to prepare. Here is what you will need:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • the juice of 2 lemons;
  • 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • and ½ teaspoon of ginger powder.

Mix all of the mentioned ingredients well, until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Consume the whole amount of mixture before eating your lunch.


This mixture will stimulate your digestion that will lead to burning fats and losing weight, by helping the liver to eliminate toxins from the body in an alert rhythm. This mixture will also regulate your blood sugar level.

This drink will make the difference and you will surely encounter the effects in maximum 7 days! In 7 days you should lose about 2 kg in weight, by ending up losing approximately 7-8 kg in one whole month.

After consuming this mixture, you can eat lunch and then dinner, depending on your tastes, by serving not too large portions of food, with considering that dinner should not be eaten later than 6 pm.

It is possible to undergo this regimen for 4 months every year. For example, if you start this month, take a break for the next 2 months and then repeat the procedure in the third month (for example, follow this regimen in March, June, September and December).

Hopes are high that with the help of this article, we will stop the harmful effects of consuming chemical aliments that have harmed our lives and health, and by which we wish to control the human species.

Source: glamournhealth.com

This Exercise is Easiest Way to Shrink Waist and Get Flat Abs

This Exercise is Easiest Way to Shrink Waist and Get Flat Abs

This exercise is not a secret but most of us do not include it into tummy workouts. It is most probably the easiest way to shrink your waistline and have flat abs if you perform this workout correctly and regularly. The main target of this exercise are transversus abdominis muscles. You can do it any time standing, walking, on your bed or kneeling without needing a single exercising equipment. The exercise I am talking about is called stomach vacuum.

Have you ever heard of Transverse abdominis muschle? It lies beneath the six-pack muscles and supports your internal organs when it is contracted increasing abdominal pressure to allow you to lift more weight. It also help you with your body posture and protect your inner organs.

The stomach vacuum  is performed to improve the transversus abdominis muscle which results in improving the appearance of body core. There are a number of ways to perform this tummy shrinking workout.

One way to perform stomach vacuum is by standing upright and exhaling completely. Now squeeze in your stomach as much as possible and hold that position for as long as you can. Inhale and then repeat.

The other variation of this workout requires yo to kneel down on all fours with your back straight. Breath in and then exhale completely. Now gently draw in your stomach and suck in as hard as possible. Hold your stomach in this position as long as possible. Inhale and repeat.

Diet For Instant Weight Loss- 20 Pounds Less In 20 Days!

Diet For Instant Weight Loss- 20 Pounds Less In 20 Days!

The origin of this diet comes from Hollywood – a diet for rapid fat melting is based on eating a divided food.

Apart from losing a lot of weight, this diet will help you clean your body from the toxins. The author of the diet says that if you follow this diet properly and strictly the rules and the full cycle of the diet that lasts 3 weeks, it will reduce about 20 pounds. Main rule of the diet: you should drink at least 2 liters of water!

Every day except Thursday, the amount of food is unlimited. However, for better results, try to limit yourself on 2 portioned meat and unlimited salad.